2025 TransWorld Show Sample Sale
In just a few weeks, The Scarefactory will transport (4) Semi Trucks full of new exciting Halloween props for display in our TransWorld Halloween Show Booths.
All of our show samples are available for purchase to take home from the show floor and are Discounted by -15% OFF of the Wholesale Price.
All items will be sold on a first come first serve basis.
As there is typically only one each of these items, the most popular tend to sell out quickly.
Please email Scarefactory@msn.com today for a complete list of available items and we will confirm availability and reserve these in the order in which they are received.
The Scarefactory, Inc. is a full service Design and Fabrication Animatronics Studio that specializes in creating Haunted Attractions and everything that goes into them. We are best known for our catalog line of economically priced animated characters, furniture, fixtures, and props, but we also design and execute full attractions of any theme for clients across the globe. To grow and support our clients, we strive to develop over 30 new products each year to provide Innovation – not Imitation – to the Haunted Attractions industry. Our incredible staff is comprised of Degree’d and Accredited artisans and technicians who meticulously handcraft each and every piece we sell. We take tremendous pride in the unparalleled finished product we provide our customers. Each year, we provide our products and services to more than 500 attractions (haunted and non) around the world, and we look forward to having the opportunity to discuss the role the Scarefactory can play in your attraction.